Õppetegevuste haaravus, aktiivsus ja jõukohasus eesti keele kui teise keele täiskasvanute kursustel: õpetajate arvamuste analüüs

Mare Kitsnik, Katrin Mikk


Artiklis vaadeldakse eesti keele kui teise keele õpetajate (n = 59) vastuseid küsitlusele täiskasvanute kursustel kasutatavate õppetegevuste, õppetöös esinevate probleemide ning heade kogemuste kohta. Õppetegevuste tõhusust analüüsitakse haaravuse, aktiivsuse ja jõukohasuse seisukohalt. Analüüsi põhjal tehakse ettepanekuid õppetegevuste arendamiseks.


Engagement, activity and affordability of learning activities in Estonian as a second language courses for adult learners. Analysis of teachers’ opinions

Estonian as a second language is mostly taught to adults in language courses. The courses are very popular among the target group, but the effectiveness of the courses is not always very high: a large part of those who have passed the course are unable to take the necessary language exam or use Estonian outside the classroom. The effectiveness of learning a second language depends on many factors, one of which is the teaching methodology used. Today, it is considered that there is no universal methodology, but effectiveness is ensured by the engagement, activity and affordability of learning activities for the target group (Dörnyei 1994; Richards 2006; Brophy 2016; Tomlinson 2010, 2012; Kitsnik 2020).

The methodology used in teaching Estonian as a second language for adult learners has not been scientifically researched so farThis article focuses on teachers’ assessment of the teaching activities used in their lessons. In order to obtain survey data, a survey was conducted among training companies approved by Keeleamet (the Language Board), Estonian language houses and teachers of the adaptation program. 59 teachers responded to the survey, 61% of whom have more than 10 years of teaching experience. The survey consisted of 35 questions (both multiple-choice and open-ended) on learning activities, problems and good practices used to develop listening, reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills.

In their opinion, teachers use quite authentic teaching materials, and different learning activities (Larsen-Freeman 2007). According to teachers, almost all of them who responded to the survey at least sometimes use gamification. The main problems were students’ fear of speaking Estonian (mentioned by 46% of respondents) and poor memorization of new words by students (also 46% of respondents). In addition the common problems were a shortage of good teaching texts (especially listening texts), the ambiguity of the volume of teaching grammar, the students’ insufficient learning habits and learning strategies, and the lack of language practice outside of lessons. The descriptions of good practices highlighted the importance of the interest and informativeness of the study texts and the usefulness of the activity, creativity, diversity and systematic nature of the tasks. 

The problems that have emerged point to the need to develop teaching methods for adult Estonian language courses. As follows, there would be a need for lesson surveys, student surveys and testing to obtain more detailed information on the impact of the content and format of learning activities from sources other than teachers. It would then be worthwhile experimenting with interventions in mainstream learning activities through a systematic curriculum based on modern language learning principles and successful experiences to date, focusing on finding solutions to the main problems that have arisen.


second language learning; learning activities; language courses; engagement; activity; affordability; Estonian language; teise keele õpe; keelekursused; õppetegevused; haaravus; aktiivsus; jõukohasus; eesti keel

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/LV31.05


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ISSN 1736-9290 (print)
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DOI  https://doi.org/10.5128/LV.1736-9290