3-4 Oct, 2013, Vilnius: 3rd Conference of Applied Linguistics 23.01.2013 // FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
Languages and people: space, time, identity
3-4 October 2013
Vilnius University
This is the first call for papers for the 3rd international conference of applied linguistics to be held 3–4 October 2013 in Vilnius University. The Conference will be hosted by the Department of Lithuanian Studies, Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University and the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics LITAKA.
TOPICS. The Conference aims at bringing together various aspects of research that goes on under the umbrella of applied linguistics: a variety of ways, a range of disciplines and sub-disciplines, including sociolinguistics, language policy, discourse analysis, translation and interpretation, language teaching and learning, language testing, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, etc.
LANGUAGES: English and Lithuanian
Each presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes; 10 minutes are given for questions and/or discussion. Poster presentations are also invited.
Joseph Lo Bianco (Australia), a professor at Melbourne University; does research in the sociology of education, language policy, language politics and planning, multilingualism and cultural diversity in education, English as a second language, foreign and second language teaching methodology. More information is available at: http://www.findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/person4818#tab-research
Mark Davies (USA), a professor of linguistics at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah; his areas of research include corpus linguistics, the design and optimization of linguistic databases, language change and genre-based variation, and frequency and collocational analyses (all for English, Spanish, and Portuguese). More information is available at: http://davies-linguistics.byu.edu/personal/
Antonella Sorace (UK), a professor of developmental linguistics at the University of Edinburgh; her research focuses on three areas: bilingual language development, gradience, linguistic intuitions and grammaticality judgements and constraints on syntactic variation. More information is available at: http://www.lel.ed.ac.uk/~antonell/
Faculty of Philology
Universiteto St. 5
LT-01513 Vilnius
Map of Vilnius
• Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts (200-500 words): 1st May 2013
• Notification of abstract acceptance: 15th June 2013
• Registration will be available from: 1st February 2013 (more information about the registration will be sent later)
• Regular – 100 EUR
• Student – 70 EUR
WHERE TO STAY, see Hotels in Vilnius
Further information about the conference will be available from the 1st February