European Journal of Applied Linguistics 22.10.2012 // EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS
Edited by Karlfried Knapp
Applied linguistics is generally understood as dealing with real world problems in which language and communication are an issue. However, only few of such problems are universal and can be addressed irrespective of the socio-historical context of their occurrence. Many of them are related to individual languages and language constellations, to specific speech communities, institutions and communities of practice, to special domains, modes and purposes of communication, and to practitioners from various professional backgrounds. Also, they are influenced by local policies and regulations. Hence, many of the problems applied linguistics deals with are determined by specific local conditions, and findings on and solutions of problems are less relevant on a global basis but should rather be generalised across regions only where these conditions are similar.
The European Journal of Applied Linguistics (EuJAL) takes up this regionalized perspective. It focuses on the particular concerns of applied linguistics in European contexts, both by addressing problems that are typically relevant
for the linguistic situation in Europe, from those on the level of the EU as a pan-national body down to the level of the individual, and by examining topics broached by or discussed in European applied linguistics in particular.
In addition to resulting from an epistemological stance, EuJAL is a logical outcome of the regionalization policy of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA), supporting the societies’ commitment to
regionalization by focusing on the European language space and by giving applied linguists from this regional context an adequate forum. EuJAL is part of the joint activities of the European AILA affiliates.
Karlfried Knapp, University of Erfurt, Germany and University of Utrecht, yhe Netherlands.
Editorial Board
Peter Auer, University of Freiburg, Germany; Kees de Bot, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Jasone Cenoz, University of the Basque Country, Spain; Jeroen Darquennes, Université de Namur, Belgium; Annick De Houwer, University of Erfurt, Germany; Guus Extra, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; Rita Franceschini, University of Bolzano, Italy; Folkert Kuiken, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Rosa Manchon, University of Murcia; Spain; Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki, Finland; Daniel Perrin, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland;
Barbara Seidlhofer, University of Vienna, Austria; Johannes Wagner, University of Odense, Denmark; Li Wei, University of London, Birkbeck College, UK.
Call for Papers
The European Journal of Applied Linguistics (EuJAL) invites original contributions on issues of Applied Linguistics both relevant both for Europe and in Europe.
Applied Linguistics for Europe
Topics focussing on Applied Linguistics for Europe will concentrate on applied linguistic responses to problems with language and communication that affect Europe as a whole. This includes, but is not restricted to, the following
• Language testing for citizenship
• Language choice in EU institutions
• The age factor: Rationale of the EU support of early foreign language teaching
• Consequences of the supremacy of EU legislation for legal terminology in the languages of member states
• Language contact in Europe
• Language policies on national and EU levels
• Linguistic needs of migrants and minorities
• Multilingualism at the workplace
• Multilingual families and bilingual first language acquisition in Europe
• European approaches to foreign language teaching, e.g. teaching objectives / CEFR
• …
Applied Linguistics in Europe
Topics focussing on Applied Linguistics in Europe will concentrate on issues that are dealt with by applied linguists in Europe in particular. These include, but are not restricted to, e.g.
• Linguistic landscapes
• Community interpreting
• English medium instruction
• Receptive multilingualism
• Routines and patterns in language learning and communication
• …
Special issue proposals are also welcome.
Manuscripts should be about 40,000 characters long, including spaces and punctuation.
The language of publication will be English, with abstracts in English, German, Spanish, and in the language of the author, if it is none of these three.
All manuscripts will be double-blind peer reviewed.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor at:
Karlfried.Knapp@uni-erfurt.de or K.F.Knapp@uu.nl |