Osalejate arvamuste muutumine argumenteerimisdialoogis

Mare Koit


Artiklis käsitletakse argumenteerimisdialoogi mudelit, mille koosseisu kuulub osaleja arvamustel põhinev arutlusmudel. Dialoogi alustaja taotleb vestluspartneri otsust teatava tegevuse tegemise kohta. Mõlemad osalejad esitavad argumente, kusjuures argumendi valik sõltub, ühelt poolt, arvamustest tegevuse positiivsete ja negatiivsete aspektide ning tarvilike ressursside kohta, teiselt poolt aga nendel arvamustel põhineva arutluse tulemusest. Osalejate rollid dialoogis on erinevad. Dialoogi alustaja kasutab partneri mudelit, mis koosneb hüpoteetilistest arvamustest partneri kohta, kes peaks otsustama tegevuse tegemise üle. Samas kasutab partner arutlusprotsessis oma tegelikke arvamusi. Mõlemaid mudeleid ajakohastatakse dialoogi käigus vastavalt esiletoodud argumentidele. Artiklis vaadeldakse juhtumianalüüsi kaudu, kuidas osalejate arvamused dialoogi vältel muutuvad. Näited põhinevad eksperimentidel olemasoleva dialoogsüsteemiga.

Changing beliefs of participants in argumentation dialogue

The paper discusses a model of argumentation dialogue which includes reasoning. Two participants present arguments for and against doing an action by one of them. The choice of an argument depends, on the one hand, on the beliefs about the positive and negative aspects of doing the action and the needed resources, and on the other hand, on the result of reasoning based on these beliefs. The roles of the two participants are different in dialogue. One participant (the initiator) is using a partner model – the hypothetical beliefs about the partner who is aimed to do the action. At the same time, the partner operates with the actual beliefs. Both the models have to be updated during a dialogue and the updates have to be tracked. The examples considered in the paper are taken from the interactions with an experimental dialogue system. In one case, the system initiates a dialogue and attempts to influence the user to make a decision to do (or not) an action. In the other case, the roles of the computer and the user are reversed. Interaction is text-based, and the participants are using ready-made sentences in Estonian which are classified semantically. The paper concentrates on changes of beliefs in both models during a dialogue.


argumenteerimisdialoog, arutlusmudel, osalejate arvamused, eesti keel

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/ERYa12.06


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ISSN 1736-2563 (print)
ISSN 2228-0677 (online)
DOI 10.5128/ERYa.1736-2563