Kuulamine – kas stress või rõõm? Eesti keele A1-taseme kuulamismaterjali loomine täiskasvanud õppijale

Mare Kitsnik, Inna Kristal



Eesti keele kui teise keele algtaseme õppijaile valmistab kuulamine sageli raskusi ja tekitab stressi. Kuulamisoskuse arenemiseks on vaja kuulata palju huvitavaid ja jõukohaseid tekste, mida eesti keele A-taseme õppijaile napib. Artiklis vaadeldakse, kuidas arendusuuringu käigus püüti luua täiskasvanud A1-taseme õppijaile kuulamisoskust arendav kogumik, mis ei põhjustaks õppijaile stressi, vaid tekitaks palju rõõmu. Kogumikus on 12 teemat, mis sisaldavad 79 teksti, 82 ülesannet ja 322 õppeotstarbelist pilti. Materjali koostamisel on silmas peetud huvitavust (elulisust, tänapäevasust, emotsionaalsust) ja jõukohasust. Kogumikku on katsetatud A1-taseme õpperühmadega, kellele oli kuulamine jõukohane ja väga huvitav, tekitas vähe stressi ning pakkus palju rõõmu.

Võtmesõnad: kuulamisoskus, A1-tase, kuulamisärevus, rõõm, teise keele õpe, eesti keel


Listening – stress or joy? Compilation of Estonian A1-level listening material for adult learners

For beginners of Estonian as a second language, developing listening skills often causes difficulties and stress. In order to learn listening skills, it is necessary to listen to a lot of interesting and relevant texts, which is lacking for A-level learners of Estonian. The listening tasks prepared for the listening texts enhance the development of listening skills.

The article examines a development study during which a listening skill development collection was created for adult A1 level learners, the aim of which was to reduce the listening anxiety of beginner Estonian learners and increase the joy of listening. In the first stage of the development study, the initial version of the collection was created, with an eye toward the modernity, vitality, interest and affordability of the material.

In the second stage, the created material was tested with two A1-level study groups (n = 14). During the experiment, feedback was collected both from the learners and from the research diary of one of the teachers. Based on the received feedback, the material was supplemented. The finished collection contains 12 topics, which contain 79 texts, 82 tasks and 322 images for educational purposes. The collection was also analyzed with a language analyzer, and the results showed that the collection corresponds to the A1 level. For the learners who tested the material, listening was very interesting, caused little stress and brought a lot of joy.



listening skills, A1-level, listening anxiety, joy, second language learning, Estonian language

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/ERYa19.04


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Copyright (c) 2023 Mare Kitsnik, Inna Kristal

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ISSN 1736-2563 (print)
ISSN 2228-0677 (online)
DOI 10.5128/ERYa.1736-2563