Dialoogiaktid ja argumendid Riigikogu stenogrammides: pilootuuring

Mare Koit


Artikkel annab ülevaate Eesti Parlamendi – Riigikogu – istungite stenogrammide pilootuuringust. Esmalt esitatakse arutelude üldine struktuur dialoogiaktide kaudu. Seejärel keskendutakse läbirääkimistele ja neis esitatavate argumentide ülesehitusele. Uurimuse kaugem eesmärk on luua vahendid struktuuri automaatseks tuvastamiseks ning parlamendiläbirääkimiste ja poliitiliste argumentide sisu analüüsimiseks.


Dialogue acts and arguments in records of the Estonian parliament: A preliminary study

In this paper a preliminary study on verbatim records of sittings held in the Estonian Parliament is carried out. The structure of the discussions is represented by using the dialogue acts of a custom-made typology. The premises and claims of arguments used in negotiations and their relations are annotated. The further aim is to create means for automatic recognition of the structure as well as analysis of contents of parliamentary negotiations and political arguments.


negotiation, parliament, verbatim record, dialogue act, argument, knowledge representation, Estonian

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/ERYa16.06


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ISSN 1736-2563 (print)
ISSN 2228-0677 (online)
DOI 10.5128/ERYa.1736-2563